What makes you attractive is the ability to bring solutions and not just be the guy finding problems.
A truly wise person builds his house, a foolish person tears it down. Do you realize that it could be the easiest thing on earth to find problems? As creative beings, humans, we have the innate ability to problem solve. Why do we get so caught up in problem finding? If it stops at the finding then we are just tearing down our own house. People that sit around and talk problems without a hint of solution are wasted lives, foolish people as the old proverb says.
The only way a business survives is by perpetual problem solving. It’s been said that the pursuit of perfection isn’t really about the perfection itself, but rather a lifestyle of excellence. If you come up short of perfection then by proxy you will be far ahead of average, you’ll be hovering around excellence. Excellence is only achieved through correction. Correct that which is wrong, fix that which is broken. Don’t merely talk about what is wrong, bring solutions to the table.
An attractive person, a person that everyone wants to be around is the person that solves problems.
I photographed this in Haiti, hand carved boats to solve problems.
When I was in the Navy, it wasn't good enough to just say, "Hey Chief, this is what's messed up, this sucks!" The correct approach was always, "Hey Chief, we keep running out of paint and primer at the end of the month for preservation. You know, if we could get our doors powdercoated, that would save a lot of time and effort."
It is a ratio. You are so right, so many people focus only on what is wrong. The three things that separate us from the rest of the animal kingdom, is the ability to say "no", the ability to store information out of our bodies, and the ability to CRITICALLY THINK.
"Cogito ergo sum" ~Descartes
Real Nice!