Hey guys, this is the first day of my family vacation! We are camping on a lake up north. I’m going to make a new post everyday with some photos and thoughts of the day. Obviously it’s all about family time and creating adventures for the kids. However I like to use this time to reflect on how to get better and fixing things that aren’t perfect. I also like to think about habits in my workflow, what has become a bad habit?
Your bad habits and poor decisions have far more bearing on your future than any man or entity on this earth. Sure there are dishonest and thieving people all around you that do cause real hardship, consider this Proverb however: “Say to wisdom, You are my sister, and call understanding your intimate friend; That they may keep you from an adulteress, From the foreigner who flatters with her words.”
So we all know there’s a shark in the water, we should all agree that only “I” bear the responsibility of poor decisions and “I” have all the same tools that everyone else has to make the right ones. The problem however is that often times the right decision may be a little bit harder or just take a little extra time. Cutting corners when building a house can lead to leaks, foundation issues and ultimately the destruction of a home. It’s no different when building your life and future. Take the extra time, take the extra steps to make it right the first time and it will keep you from the harlots of our lives. A prowler stalks the street just looking for those weak ones to take the easy route.
A little extra work on a Saturday can actually propel your financial future and prepare the way for your success. I shot weddings every weekend for years while working a full-time job during the week. I eventually used the income from my wedding business to fund the startup of HoldFast, not a single loan or investor. This isn’t meant to brag, it’s meant to encourage you to go the extra mile. Put in an extra hour here and there, the dividends will pay far more than you even realize.
This was the first day of the trip, we arrived later in the day so it’s all about getting settled in. It was a rain day though so not much in the way of photography today. I’m hoping to find some excellent hike areas for the kids tomorrow.