I’m traveling in London with my dad who’s awesome and I’m really thankful that he brought me.
Today we visited Churchill’s War Room, the underground bunker where he directed Britain to victory over Hitler. His approach to the Second World War was to attack boldly. He felt that the Britain’s stance of defense only in WW1 was the reason why so many lives were lost. He gave many speeches on the defiance of never quitting, and to fight at all costs in all places. I was moved beyond words reading his life and the importance of what he did. My thoughts about my visit today:
Men of singular courage and focus can withstand the venomous bite of giving in. If one will fight the good fight he will inevitably win and bring many with him. Churchill’s courage and defiance in the face of impossibility inspired this nation to continue fighting, as if it were his courage alone that provided the spark needed to light the fire within the heart of the British. As well, we can be a guiding light in a very dark world and through the defiance of continuing, indeed we can brighten our world. Your actions can inspire greatness in others. Your words can provide the encouragement needed to push people through in the battles they face. How you face each day can in fact embolden or hold back those around you.
This life requires a bold attack at living rather than in defensive surviving. We thrive on this earth through earnest search of calling, and we die each moment not lived in the fight.
The first image is of some tag art I found out on a walk in the London Streets. The second is the actual bunker Churchill used, he sat in the center in front of the map.
This is a very well writen encouragement, and withholds many truths about life as well as conquering the battles in life. Thank you for sharing it and stepping out against the current. Continue to attack life!
Hey thanks for sharing!