Well day two of the Swagg family vacation was another rain day. When it rains you go down to Main Street and get some ice cream right? We did that, went for a very short boat ride and then found a couple of Eagles to photograph from a distance. My boy and I also spent time digging holes looking for treasure…we found some rocks!
As I’m working with my business, I find that I’m constantly thinking about business and being an entrepreneur in general. Keeping my priorities focused is extremely important to me. If perfecting the product drives me, then I’m on the right track. However, if making a profit becomes more important than the product itself, then the root is bad. My desire is to make available the best products possible because the performance of my products documents stories that I want to share with others on their journey. My goal is to eliminate fuss and fear in order to get the image that sets change in motion. In a broader sense, the over arching goal for my life is to be able to remove fuss and fear, and to encourage people to really fight for their dreams within.
“All things are lawful, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor.”
As free men, we can actually do what we want with our lives. However, we must look to make those around us better. In so doing, we help others reshape their own story. We give them the portrait of hope.
Below is what our day was like. Being a rain day we went into town to get ice cream, then we go to watch some Eagles from afar (wish I could have gotten a better angle). Then we dug holes and made s’mores! See below for the magic secret ingredient for s’mores.