Day 3 and today was the first blue sky day, even though the rainy days have been beautiful! The morning was spent at a playground near our camp. After playing on the swings and slides, we took a long family bike ride. We ended the day with fishing and time by the campfire. No photo excursions today. And as mentioned in my blog from Day 1, I prefer to use my vacations as a time for reflection and learning. My thoughts from today:
From the very first moment HF was conceived, I knew that I wanted the name to mean something. I knew that whatever name I chose would be a reflection on me personally and that I had to stand behind the name at all costs. Earning a good name in my business as well as my personal life is extremely important to me. I believe that at this time in my life, it’s my purpose. Purpose is legacy and your legacy extends much further than your present. I hold what I put my hand to with great purpose. That is one of the guiding factors for HoldFast, LLC.
“A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold”
In the day of your distress, your wealth may run dry but having favor with your fellow men can bring comfort and safety. Your graciousness and forgiveness towards others could be what protects you during a crisis.
Here’s what our Day 3 looked like. You’ll see the Large Explorer Lens pouch in action as well!