We are called to do the same thing: while we are in this world, we must be the light of the world. We all may do different things but it all must amount to bringing hope to the hopeless, healing to the hurting, sight to the blind and life to those who desperately need it.
If you’re looking for faults in everything then you won’t find hope in anything. If you can’t see the hope you will never share the hope. This life is about seeing something that isn’t there on the surface. We all know and see the cracks displayed on the surface, but what lies beneath is where the gold is. Search for gold in people, find the treasure this life has to offer. Stop finding faults and then quitting. Start digging into to people, start building them up, start offering them hope and in so doing be the light that this dark world needs.
Image taken with a Leica MP and the beautiful Zeiss 50 f2 ZM.