This year what did I do with these hands? What did I do with my words? How much of me was buried versus how much of me was spent? Did I hide what makes me? Did I run from what breaks me?
When all is said and done, all that remains are the answers to these questions. Will my work outlast my meager abilities OR will what I did with my time be buried with my bones. If my only remnants are the bones I leave in the ground then I’ve made no investment with what I’ve been given.
The currency of humanity is the gift you’ve been given, find it and spend it on everyone you meet. Don’t bury your gift in hopes that one day someone will find it, it will lay rest with your bones. Take account of all your time and all your words to find where they landed. With it others will be lifted up or you will be dragged down. Consider all that’s been accomplished in 2014 and all that was left undone.
Settle in your deepest parts that 2015 will be about fighting the complacency of normal, striving for what lies within. Refuse to be defined by what has happened, look for those redefining moments that will blaze a new path. Discover new talents. Find it.
Here’s to 2015!