Momentum is king and progress is key to momentum. And as far as progress goes, any forward movement is progress-not just the big steps.
Momentum is often made up of a string of good decisions, not big plays. The small but good consecutive decisions usually make up the greater whole of momentum in life. Momentum is wildly important when you factor in reach. The greater the momentum you create the more people you can move in your direction. Life was never intended to be a solitary thing, every decision we make matters to many more than the person in the mirror.
No great athlete plays the game for 1 big play, they approach the game in terms of legacy. We are to approach life in the same way, what are we leaving behind for others to learn and build from? Who are we reaching and what are we saying? Sometimes when you’re stuck or not sure what the next step should be, isolate your fear and move towards it. It’s odd how within our greatest fear lies our greatest message.
I’ll sign off with this:
All great discoveries are the result of leaping into fear, they’ve never come from remaining still. Many small steps lead to the great leap into the unknown. // image taken with the Leica M-P