No one owes you anything, rather you owe the world everything.
There’s a few things I do not allow my kids to say or do, one of those things is they are never allowed to say”that’s no fair.“ That mindset immediately puts you in a victim mentality and that’s not a proactive or productive place to be. I teach them to work for a different outcome, think about what’s happening and change it if it needs to be changed. You don’t just sit back and cry about who has what.
This is something to dwell on for awhile, think about every major invention throughout history. Not one of them came from someone living an easy life. Inventors often invent out of poor circumstances and impossible situations. In fact, it’s often the poor circumstance that drives the invention which is why it’s said to rejoice in all things, and in all things give thanks. There’s always a way to those who seek, to those who knock on that door. All situations can be turned for your good, the bad things that happen can be the very trigger that produces revelation in your life.
Back to the opening sentence, you owe humanity a productive life. You owe those around you the pursuit of your passion. You owe this world the purpose that your life carries. There is nothing that blocks you from reaching your goals except for you. There is NOTHING that keeps your life from being a blessing to others except for your actions.
We owe each other the best of what is in us.
The shot above, some friends and I were hiking Red Rock Canyon when one of us, Shaun, just bounded up the side of a rock and within a few blinks he was out of site. A few minutes later he reappeared sprinting across the top of these rocks. I was able to grab two frames before he was gone again. Here’s what I learn from Shaun, he lives for adventure and adventure brings you to some cool scenery. Don’t be afraid to climb rocks, it gives you a better point of view.
This might sound crazy.
I found your ad a few minutes ago in rangefinder I go to your site to scope things out the products the apparel about the spotlight and then I Land on the blog. I read through the small little job of words like a playbook handed out to every creative person at birth. I stared at the photo for little while just pondering. I read the last paragraph and my eyes swell up with tears. I can't believe I'm writing this. I just found this to be very inspiring. I've been faced with many challenges my entire life and lately dealing with a lot of fear I think that's why it struck such a chord with me. I just hope I don't sound like another crazy person with an iPad. Anyway I think what you said here really helped me and I thank you.
Chad thanks for sharing! As you well know, hardship and challenge will either cause us to quit OR create in us a path for success to others with similar adversity. Just by pushing on we show others the way out. Keep going Chad.