Don’t just do life, win at life. Winning on this earth isn’t to say that you won’t take hits, that you won’t get knocked down, you won’t at times FEEL defeated, it means that you continue to get up. It means that you pursue the call on your life through the storm. Yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we all face this same walk, and truly living life is about facing these hards times not without fear but without quitting. We may fear but we don’t have to quit.
You don’t have to give up.
This idea of some people being fearless and that’s how they are successful isn’t real. We all fear, however some aren’t defined by it. There is nothing wrong with the fear and in fact it’s presence let’s you know you are still sane. Just don’t act in accordance with fear. Fear wants to keep you still and quiet. Your call needs you to be moving and vibrant. People like to think that when fear subsides they will then act, I say learn to live with fear so you can act in the face of it. Fear is attached to the human condition so accept you have it, come to grips with the idea that you’ll always fear something. Fear will always be present but your heart is to. You can choose to pursue through any darkness. As long as you have heart you have will to win, never give in to the feeling of fear and all of it’s comrades like jealousy, unforgiveness and depression.
If you are alive and breathing you can pursue your call and fear doesn’t have to keep you motionless.