Image forChandra’s Collection
. Category:Guest Blog, photography

Hey friends, here’s a guest blog from Chandra’s Collection Photography. See more of her images and full review here!

Okay…can I just say something. I fell in love all over again this weekend. MoneyMaker is it’s name…no, really. It’s called the “MoneyMaker” strap from HoldFast Gear. It’s one of the greatest inventions for wedding photographers. The MoneyMaker strap is marketed towards photographers who use 2 cameras while shooting. Which I used to not do this – until this weekend…and it’s pretty much life changing. Let me tell you why…

(This is what it looks like – that camel colored straps on my shoulders with both cameras securely hanging from both sides of me)


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1. I save TONS of time since I no longer really have to switch lenses out as much. Now, for instance – while I’m shooting details – I will have one camera on my right with my 35mm & on the other side of the Holdfast gear strap, I’ll have my camera with my macro lens attached. Seriously, how have I lived without this? This makes shooting details so much more FUN because I already know that I can use either lens to get shots!  This also gives me more time to be creative with shots!


This is the shot Laura took of me shooting Samantha getting her makeup done….


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And this shot below is the shot that I was getting with my lens…which is cool because I was able to shoot this with my Macro lens and also, get the same exact shot – just pulled back some with my 35mm…so instead of having to waste time switching lenses on my camera, I just simply had to drop one camera to my side and pick up the other camera I had attached to my MoneyMaker strap.


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2. Having the MoneyMaker strap gives me more wiggle room – I can drop my cameras securely and have my hands free to do REALLY important stuff…like fluff dresses:)


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or, pretend to be a bridesmaid for a few seconds!


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3. I’m also able to have a wide angle lens on one camera & another lens on the other to get tighter shots….like for the cake shot for example:


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These are the shots that I took from 2 different lenses in a matter of 10 seconds.


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4. I’m also able to direct people better! Instead of having to hold a 10lb camera in my hand & wave it around like a crazy person while I’m trying to give someone direction, they rest securely at my sides and I can assist people in a decent way lol :p


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5. My FAVORITE part of having the MoneyMaker strap is for when the ceremony is happening! I have TWO lenses on & ready to go! It also is awesome because I’m as quiet as a mouse – instead of having to switch lenses (which isn’t noisy at all) but sometimes, the movement of having to go into my ShootSac that was around my waist and pulling out another lens, and then dropping the lens into my bag and then putting the new lens on could cause people to look over at me to see what I’m doing – instead of keeping their eyes glued on the happy & beautiful couple:)


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Same thing goes for family portraits…I can use 2 lenses in a matter of seconds.


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LASTLY, the MoneyMaker strap is so comfortable! I don’t even notice that I’m carrying 20lbs of gear. I can wear it all day and not even notice it. For all of my photographer friends who may be on the fence about purchasing any Holdfast Gear – do it! It is one of my favorite investments I’ve made into my business.:)

Thank you to my amazing assistant for the day Laura with Laura Adams Photography!


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