Image forBEFORE
. Category:Encourage, growth, photography, Words To Holdfast

“Before the mountains were settled, Before the hills I was brought forth;” Even before the mountains pierced the sky, a way through was already in place. So think about it this way, wisdom came before the problem ever existed. Before a mountain blocked your path an answer came before it. Sometimes our focus is drawn to the mountain of problems, fears and doubts that we totally forget that a Creator came before all of it. And that Creator is author of a very great faith that has already been written for each of us.
Wisdom has always been here at our disposal, it’s just that sometimes we listen to the shrieks of fear instead of the whispers of hope. There is a peace that surpasses all understanding and we must fight to stay centered in that peace because the storms do rage around us. The path before us is long and the journey isn’t easy. But His burden is light, He was here before all of it.
Wisdom came before your problem ever existed.

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