From the get-go, HoldFast’s allegiance lies in this: steadfast dedication to professional
photographers and the systems they utilize. Committed to paving the way, HoldFast gear accentuates style while also performing comfortably and efficiently. Responsible for creating a new genre within the industry, we’re changing the way photographers look and feel while doing their best work.
In this series, you’ll hear stories of HoldFast gear and the photographers–the pioneers,
the adventurers, the originals–that use them. This is How You HoldFast.
For Jacqueline Vecerkovic, her love affair with photography began over 25 years ago. The moment she picked up her first camera, she was hooked. The St. Augustine, Florida photographer captures everything from weddings to births to lifestyle family portraits–basically, she’s around for every significant moment of her client’s life. As a photo-journalistic photographer, while her style has evolved over the years into documentary work, her credo remains the same: “I still love the idea that you can capture a moment, one moment that will never happen again, and hold onto it forever.”
While the evolution of her work took place, Vecerkovic also new the nature of how she shot her work needed to evolve as well. “I began to replace my gear to lighten my load and lessen my visual presence. I tried many different holsters and a few harnesses, but I could not find the perfect combination of comfort, quality, and style to fit my needs.” After hearing about HoldFast on social media, she loved the idea of a Money Maker from afar, but it was still a while before she committed to purchasing one.
In the meantime, she managed to accumulate a significant amount of gear with good intentions, but poor execution. “I have a box in my office that I refer to as my ‘gear graveyard’ filled with previously purchased gear.” One of those pieces as a holster style system that looked the part, but did nothing to make shooting easier. Vecerkovic found herself having to stop everything–while shooting–to make sure each of her camera bodies were secured back into their holster. “Something rather difficult to do,” she says, “on a dark dance floor, while dodging intoxicated guests.”
Finally, Vecerkovic took the plunge: she invested in a Burgundy Water Buffalo Money Maker, now, she proclaims, the single most important piece of gear in her entire arsenal.
“I only shoot now with Fuji bodies and lenses, and I was worried that with the smaller camera bodies, the Money Maker would be overkill. Well NOTHING could be further from the truth! The gorgeous hand crafted leather goes hand in hand with my Fuji system, and looks as if they belonged together in the first place!”
HoldFast was birthed out of a desire to create a brand that resonates with photographers who appreciate function, form, and the rewards that accompany inspired work. By creating gear that allows photographers to shoot their best work, HoldFast gear is designed to enhance your style, not detract or distract from it.
“It was exactly what I had wanted and could not believe how beautiful this hand-crafted harness was in person! I should have bought it so much sooner. The Money Maker isn’t just a piece of equipment to me; it is a work of art!”
The flexibility Vecerkovic found while utilizing her HoldFast gear to the fullest extent is one of the things that changed the game for the way she shoots. “I can go from shooting with two bodies to shooting with one by removing one slider. What I love the most is how easy it is to attach my cameras to the Money Maker via the sailboat clips! This allows me to arrive at a venue already wearing my Money Maker, attach my gear, and go!”
One way to describe HoldFast gear? Sophisticated innovation. Products need to look as good as they perform. Vecerkovic continues to find this out first hand.
“The Money Maker is so much classier, comfortable and durable than other harness style brands. The Money Maker becomes part of you when you wear it. Both camera bodies sit just behind my hips, allowing for quick access when I need them and protection from being bumped when I don’t. When I shoot wearing my Money Maker, it becomes a part of me, and I am able to concentrate on the moment instead of worry about my gear because I know it is safe and within perfect reach.”
She’s become a sort of self-promoted brand ambassador: everyone who’s anyone needs to experience what she has. “The Holdfast Money Maker was seriously a game changer for me and I can not tell enough of my colleagues about how fantastic it is shooting with it!”
Vecerkovic also owns a Mahogany Bison Camera Leash, which allows her to be as unencumbered as possible with her gear, but still protect her investments.
“As a photographer, I look for the beauty of a moment. I had underestimated what an impact adding beauty to my equipment would have. I have always enjoyed shooting but now I LOVE shooting. Nothing I have purchased in the past has come close to allowing me to truly enjoy shooting like my HoldFast gear does.”
Contact Information
Jacqueline Vecerkovic
Saint Augustine, Florida
Facebook: @jacquelinevphotography
Instagram: @jacquelinevphotography